Small Family

Small Family

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why IJM?

This summer our family is moving to Thailand to complete a 12-month fellowship with International Justice Mission. When we tell people this, one of the first questions we’re asked is: Why IJM?

If you’re not familiar with International Justice Mission, they are a Christian organization focused on defending the most vulnerable by providing justice to the world’s poor. Throughout their seventeen global offices, IJM focuses on rescuing victims of human trafficking, assisting local law enforcement in bringing criminals to justice, supporting survivors, and preventing violence by strengthening local justice systems.

Several years ago we were introduced to IJM while at a Sara Groves concert. Her stories and description of the organization led me to read Gary Haugen’s book Terrify No More. The book opened our eyes to the injustice being done around the world, specifically to young girls who were victims of trafficking. In recent years, we have done more reading and research about the injustices done to millions globally, and have become aware of the real need that these victims have to be rescued and restored.

Scott and I have felt called to spend time overseas for many years, but were not sure where or how that calling would be fulfilled. Recently, we felt drawn to the cause of fighting human trafficking and slavery. International Justice Mission’s work and heart for those who are victims of violence seems like a natural fit to that calling. If you’d like to find out more about IJM’s work, I encourage you to visit their website: or listen to Gary Haugen’s TED Talk here:

We’ll be posting more updates about our preparations for Thailand, raising finances, and adventures we encounter throughout the year. Stay tuned!