Our amazing support team has selected weeks through the beginning of January 2017. If you are interested in joining our team, please visit our Prayer Support Page. There you can see a list of which weeks are still available in 2017. Please send me an email (listed on the page) if you decide to take a week. If you already supported us in the past and want to take another week, feel free!
Another way you can receive prayer updates is by joining our prayer email list. At the beginning of each month I send out an email with specific updates for our family and the IJM office. I also occasionally include a picture. 😀 To join this list, just send me an email (listed on the Prayer Support Page) and I will take care of the rest. If at any time you no longer want to be part of the email list, simply reply with "unsubscribe".
We are extremely grateful for each person who has lifted us in prayer over the last five months. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! We have seen some very specific answers to prayer happen, and we know it is because we have such an awesome army of people praying for us. Here is just one example of how prayers have been answered for us this year:
In June, our family decided to go to Hong Kong over Christmas because our visas require us to leave Thailand every 90 days. My mom is going to meet us there, and we thought it would be a great place to enjoy Christmas together. At that time, we thought our visas would allow us to enter Thailand as many times as we needed to in one year on the same visa. However, we found out just before we left that our visas expire every 90 days, requiring us to re-apply at a Thai consulate outside of Thailand. The Hong Kong consulate's website doesn't list the kind of visas that we have as an option, so I needed to contact them to be sure we could in fact receive visas there. I started trying to contact them mid-October, both by email and phone. After weeks of trying to get in touch, to no avail, I enlisted the help of some of our prayer partners. Lo and behold, that week I got a response both by phone and email, and they are able to give us visas!! I can't express what a relief this was, and an obvious answer to prayer!