Small Family

Small Family

Thursday, March 31, 2016

You Can't Take It with You

You've probably heard this phrase, "you can't take it with you" referring to Heaven. While it's definitely true in that sense, lately we've been applying it to Thailand as well! We only plan to take things that fit in our suitcase to Thailand, so we've been going through the process of sorting/donating/packing things that won't be going with us. As a result, we've found that we have a lot of items that we really just don't need! This Saturday, April 2, we'll be having a yard sale to sell some items that we can't take with us, but we think other people might be able to use. This includes household items, clothing, books, toys, etc. All proceeds will go toward funding our trip. It'll be at our house (2025 Walden Ct) from 9-1. Come check out our stuff!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March Madness

This month has been crazy! We have started fundraising for our trip by sending out support letters and speaking to a couple of groups. We also put our house on the market! If you know anyone interested in buying a house on the east side of Terre Haute, feel free to share our Zillow link with them (

Since putting our house on the market Sunday, we've had two showings and several calls. We are excited that there is some interest, and hope that the perfect buyer will fall in love with our house soon!

Thanks to our friend, Denise, Scott has started looking through materials for our homeschooling adventure next year. We're also looking more seriously at purchasing airline tickets; we are hoping to have them purchased sometime in April. Time is moving very quickly. It's hard to believe that in three months we will be living in Thailand! June will be here before we know it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Coming to a Church Near You

If you're interested in hearing more about our adventure in person, we are speaking at a few local churches in March and April. We'd also love to connect with you outside of these events if you can't make it but are interested in knowing more about IJM and our work with them. Hope to see you soon!

March 13: 1st and 2nd service @ World Gospel Church (Terre Haute)
March 19: Men's Breakfast @ World Gospel Church (Terre Haute)
April 10: 10:30 Worship @ Faith Southern Baptist Church (Clay City)
April 17: 1st and 2nd service @ United Methodist Temple (Terre Haute)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Prayer cards are here!

This week we've officially started our fundraising for this new adventure. Since this fellowship is volunteer, I won't be receiving any salary for our time there. We sent out some support letters this week to friends and family we thought would be interested in hearing more about our work, in praying for us as we go, and in helping finance the cost. If you didn't get one of these letters but would like one, we'd love to send one to you!

Anyway, back to the purpose of this post: prayer cards! Scott created some beautiful cards for us to give to anyone who is supporting us in prayer and/or finances. We're also scheduled to speak at some local churches in March and April, and will be passing these out to those who are interested in joining our prayer team. We've gotten these from missionaries we've supported over the years, and it's a great visual reminder to pray for the families. We also love seeing their faces!

Things are starting to get real! We'll keep you updated on our progress!