Small Family

Small Family

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March Madness

This month has been crazy! We have started fundraising for our trip by sending out support letters and speaking to a couple of groups. We also put our house on the market! If you know anyone interested in buying a house on the east side of Terre Haute, feel free to share our Zillow link with them (

Since putting our house on the market Sunday, we've had two showings and several calls. We are excited that there is some interest, and hope that the perfect buyer will fall in love with our house soon!

Thanks to our friend, Denise, Scott has started looking through materials for our homeschooling adventure next year. We're also looking more seriously at purchasing airline tickets; we are hoping to have them purchased sometime in April. Time is moving very quickly. It's hard to believe that in three months we will be living in Thailand! June will be here before we know it!

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