A Letter to My Mom on Her Birthday
To my first teacher: Thank you for teaching me that life is bigger than our little town, and that I could be anything and do anything I wanted. For instilling in all of us a passion for learning and a compassion for others. For sharing your sense of adventure and love for other cultures. For pointing me to Jesus through every circumstance, especially the difficult ones that were painful and didn't make any sense to my young mind.
To my biggest supporter and fan: Thank you for coming to every ball game, cheerleading event, track meet, and academic competition to cheer for me, even though my performance was rarely remarkable. For saying yes when I decided, as a teenager, that I wanted to go to Boston and Australia in the same summer, without you. For being excited for me when I chose to study abroad for a semester, and coming to visit me so I could be with family on Thanksgiving. For celebrating me when I got accepted to medical school, and loving me when I decided I didn't want to finish. For hugging me when I finally chose to be a teacher, so that maybe I can influence and encourage students as much as you do.
To the best grandma: Thank you for showing me how to love my kids without condition. For encouraging me as a mom, even when I know I'm messing it up. For baby-sitting so that I can maintain a level of sanity and enjoy some kid-free time with my husband. For adoring my kids and giving them the same love and support that you gave to us (along with a lot of free stuff).
And, above all, thank you for taking on our passion for IJM, even though it wasn't on your radar previously. For saying "I'm so proud of you," when I told you we were moving your grandbabies to the other side of the world. For reading and investigating more about oppression and violence against the poor because you knew it was important to us. For coming to every church we spoke at to hear more about IJM, give emotional support, and help wrangle the children. For hosting a fundraising event at your house on our behalf. For becoming an advocate for our mission and sharing it with all your people, too.
We can't thank you enough for everything that you do for, with, and because of us. I hope I am half the mother you are, and if I am I know it will be because of your example, love, and support. Happy birthday, and may you know how very much you are loved this year!
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