The last week or so has been difficult for the IJM community. If you haven't heard, one of the lawyers on IJM Kenya's staff, along with his client and taxi driver, were abducted and killed following a court case at the end of June. The lawyer, Willie Kimani, was working a case of police corruption and brutality, areas which he had spent his whole legal career fighting. He was a dedicated lawyer, husband, and father, and will be dearly missed by all who knew him. The client, Josephat Mwenda, had been a victim of police abuse of power and was trying to receive justice. The taxi driver, Joseph Muiruri, was simply doing his job, which cost him his life.
The people of Kenya and the IJM community have been deeply grieving the lives of these men. This incident has sparked outrage in Nairobi over police abuse of power, which is unfortunately too common for many Kenyans. Thousands of people have come together to make sure that justice is done in this case, and that Willie, Josephat, and Joseph's deaths are not in vain. IJM is asking for people to sign a petition to ask the President of Kenya to take decisive action in this case and to remove the Deputy Inspector General of the Administration Police in Kenya, on behalf of every innocent person abused by his police force. If you haven't done so yet, please sign it here.
This case has affected me more than I anticipated. I did not know Willie personally, but I have identified with him in part because he and I are the same age and both have young children. I have been especially grieving for his wife this week as she embarks on a new life that she didn't expect, which will be significantly more difficult without her husband. The IJM family is committed to taking care of her and her children, but it will not be an easy road. There are many full-time staff, whom I do know, who, like Willie, do risky work on behalf of those who have no voice. This incident has been a chilling reminder of the reality of the threat of violence and the importance of IJM's work toward ending injustice against the poor.
Despite this great loss, IJM is not going away; they are committed to this fight because they believe that God desires justice for the world's poor and oppressed. He has called them to this fight, and they will continue in it until it is finished. They have hope that this incident will be a turning point in Kenya and that it will forever end police impunity in Nairobi.
Isaiah 61:3 says, "To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory." This verse really struck me this week as we prayed for IJM Kenya and the global IJM community. The LORD sees our grief, but He wants to give us hope because He intends for us to persevere. He has put us in this situation to bring Him glory. Pray for IJM Kenya; pray for the global IJM community. Pray for all those who are mourning, that they might receive God's joy and see Him glorified.
How sad and heartbreaking. Praying for his family. And praying peace for you and your family as you serve and seek to promote justice where you are! Love you guys.